MARINE REVIEW. | 9 Le cssssssssssse ee Mr. Goulder on Protests. | In an address of a general nature on marine law delivered January 29 last, to members of the Cleveland branch of the Ex- celsior Marine Benevolent Association, Mr. Harvey D. Goulder, proctor in admiralty of Cleveland, had something to say about protests. There has been a great deal of comment ever since in lake newspapers regarding that part of the address treating of protests and some of it is very wide of what Mr: Goulder really did say. The talk was informal, Mr. Goulder having made no notes, but a representative of the REviEw took notes of it, print- ing a synopsis of the address at the time, and this is what was said about protests: _ “A protest is the most important feature in the litigation that follows it. There is not more than one notary in five or six - thousand who knows how to make out a protest. There are few such in the leading lake cities—Cleveland, Buffalo, Detroit and Chicago—but there is nobody at the Sault who knows how to make a protest and yet captains rush to that point immediate- ly after an accident. The protest is as important as the testi- mony of the master on the stand, and if you think you must pro- test on account of surrounding circumstances consider it most carefully and make it short. When it comes toa question of how fast you were running be exceedingly careful—not like a master and engineer whom I know of, and who said they were running seven miles an hour when the testimony of outsiders afterward showed conclusively that they could not have been running more than five miles an hour. In the excitement at- tending the work of making the protest they had forgotten that their boat had been checked down a short time previous to the accident. In all such cases the other side will hold that the protest was made when the details of the accident were fresh in mind, and this argument goes a great way with the court. It has discouraged me many times, though, when I know how hastily such papers are prepared. In many cases a protest six months afterward would answer all purposes.” Mr. Goulder concluded by advising, as has been his custom with clients for several years past, that protests be avoided, es- pecially in collision cases, until such time as they can be made with the greatest care and by those who are capable of making them in the right way. Cleveland Matters. Capt. John Donnelly, Jr., and a party of friends from Cape Vincent on a cruise around the lakes in the yacht Ariadne visited Cleveland early in the week. The boat is 58 feet long, has four staterooms and is a trim craft in every particular. The steamer City of Owen Sound, which Leslie of Kingston proposes to raise from 110 feet of water near Clapperton island Georgian Bay, has been sunk for nearly three years. She was loaded at Huron by the Drake Coal Company in the fall of 1888 with about 700 tons of coal for Owen Sound and went down when nearing her destination. The crew was saved but nothing was heard of the boat in Cleveland for several days after she was lost. ‘The Canadian wreckers are now engaged in an effort to raise her. Two sunken wrecks on Lake Erie should receive attention as obstructions to navigation. sunk a short time ago near the dummy in collision with one of the Northern Steamship Company’s steel boats is in the channel ot boats passing to and from Buffalo, and outside of Cleveland a short distance northwest of the piers the spars of the schooner T'wo Fannies, which foundered in a gale last season, are but a few feet below the surface of the water. Mr. M. A. Bradley, owner of the Fayette Brown, says she is not worth raising and no one claims the hull of the sunken Two Fannies, which is cer- tainly a total loss. The erection of scaffolding for the Brown hoists to be placed on the big Lake Shore docks at Ashtabula Harbor has begun. It has not been announced as yet whether the docks will be leased or managed by the Lake Shore company. The equipment is the same as that of the other Lake Shore docks. This big plant will The schooner Fayette Brown, . $$ ——— ee oooo——ee have capacity for a million tons of ore when completed and it is more than probable that a portion of the Lake Superior product will be received over the docks this season, although it was at first thought that the equipment would be delayed on account of the early dullness in the ore trade. J. W. Ellsworth & Co. of Cleveland have added an Ashtabula dock to their already extensive equipment at Lake Erie ports. They recently leased for coal purposes the Lake Shore dock at the harbor known as No. 10. Although the big rock which Capt. George P. McKay had removed from the river at Ashtabula was not the cause of as much damage to the Mutual and Menominee boats as had been reported, its removal will allay fears of loss to the big carriers trading at that port. Damage to the ( orona, which struck the roeky last season, was very heavy, but the German’s repairs cost only about $500. The Norman, which was reported to have also struck *the rock, did not find it and was not injured. On the Grecian, another of the steel boats of this fleet which recently ran into an obstruction in the Detroit river, the cost of repairs will, however, be very heavy. She was injured by striking in the vicinity of Amherstburg and the location will be investigated, as it is thought the obstruction is a wreck of some kind. ‘The Grecian is now running with temporary repairs and will pro- bably continue in this way for the remainder of the season, but her bill of repairs next fall will figure very high. The story of the Norman striking the sunken rock originated through her grounding on a ‘‘hog-back’’ that the dredges operated by the railway companies have left in the center of the channel. ‘The A. & P. Co., owning the docks on one side of the river had dredged to 18 feet and the same was done on the Lake Shore side, but the center of the channel was left to the city to dredge. There is but 14% feet over this central strip,but the railway com- panies have been induced to allow their dredges to go to work on it and it will probably be removed in a few days. Rapid Fueling Arrangement. Managers and owners of line boats and passenger boats on regular routes will be interested in the following: During previous seasons from 50 to 75 tons of coal was hauled each day to the Detroit and Cleveland Steam Navigation Company’s dock, Cleveland, to fuel their steamers while they were taking on car- goes. This saved time and also saved the boat from taking an extra dock, but this season the time used in fueling has been re- duced to an average of 20 minutes for taking on from 50 to 60 tons of coal. The plan was arranged by Mr. Anderson of And- ' erson & Cope and is used on the fuel dock of Boylan & Stafford. It consists of nothing more nor less than 50 cars holding a ton and a half each and having a side opening. They are placed on a raised track, loaded and run to the forward gangway of the steamer where a differential plate receives the car and puts it on the track in the boat whether the boat lies within two feet either way from the dock track. The track in the boat is continuous to the amidship gangway and when not in use is hauled up to the upper deck. The cars are run in, dumped over the bunkers into a continuous coal hole and without stopping are run out onto the dock and turned around by means ofa turn table. The cost of the track for each boat is about $100, while the cars cost about $300 each. ‘The cars are all loaded before the steamer reaches the dock and the time mentioned can be reduced almost one-half when occasion demands. In General. H. F. Sprague, the marine artist, recently produced a very realistic painting of the steel steamship Virginia at night. The electric light effect is natural and the water is unusually gocd. The Buffalo Courier says that Capt. W. D. Robinson now presents letters patent for an ‘improved apparatus for raising sunken vessels,” granted Nov. 9, 1869—nearly 22 years ago. Capt. Robinson is the inventor of the plan, but he never made practical use thereof. The patent expired in 1883. ‘The “new device’ just brought forward by Charles Brown of Port Huron, described in another part of this issue, is identical with thzt patented by Capt. Robinson in 1869 Diagrams accompanying the patent gives a good idea how the apparatus is to be operated. Capt. Robinson figured far ahead of the time, for his device is calculated as well to raise the big boats of to-day as the little ones of 22 years since. The patent having expired, anybody has a right to construct and use the apparatus.