Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 20 Aug 1891, p. 12

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12 MARINE REVIEW. ee eee See SEE CAPT. PECK’S LETTER Regarding Incandescent Lighting Plant on the Steamer S. R, KIRBY. VESSEL AND MACHINERY EXCHANCE. Space under this heading may be used gratis by our advertisers or subscribers to call attention to vessels or any craft, machinery, new or second hand, that they may have for sale. Those wanting machinery of any kind, or wishing to purchase vessels, are invited to take advan- tage of the same offer. Each item will be limited to three lines. Letters concerning same must mention number attached to item and be addressed MARINE REVIEW, 510 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. 0. SE ee en So eS 64—For Sale at a Bargain—Steamboat 78 feet over all, 18 feet beam; double engines; hull in first-class condition. 65—For Sale Cheap—Two 10x Io Marine Engines with two 4 feet 4 inch wheels ; good shafting, heater, boiler, steam pump and connections; or will exchange for small yacht or real estate. TSS SEGAL Ss SESE Ga) Ls ioe ated eerie cet a Se ee neem 66—Steambarge that will carry 200 tons wanted for balance of season, or longer. 67—WANTED—To purchase a tug suitable for fishing purposes 60 to 80 feet long, engine 10 to 12 square; must have good deck room and be in good condition. 68—WANTED—Engineer to purchase small interest in a dredge. 69—WANTED—7o0-ton steamer with large per cent. of fullness. 70—Dredge hull wanted, or parties wanted to buy machinery for same. 71—40-foot sloop yacht with roomy cabin containing two state rooms. 1867. PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. (891. A. G. HARBAUGH & CO., 34 & 36 River Street, CLEVELAND, 0. Manufacturers of Strictly Pure and Acidless Lard Oils,specially adapted for Steamboat use. Will furnish Brand free for Ship Chandlers or other dealers who desire their name and address on packages. RARE CHANCE for capitalists to invest eight or ten thousand dollars in boats that have recently been patent- ed and will pay from thirty to fifty per cent. per annum. Can be used in numbers of places in the United States. For fur- ther particulars address MARINE REVIEW. MICHIGAN READERS OF THE REVIEW SHOULD TELL THEIR FRIENDS THAT THEY CAN HAVE THE MARINE REVIEW AND DETROIT TRIBUNE (WEEKLY) ONE YEAR FOR $2. Nickel Plate Excursion, August 17. Ninth annual Niagara Falls out- ing; Chautauqua free; Toronto, $1 extra; liberal limits. Stop over to visit friends granted on return trip at Brocton or points west. Inquire of Nickel Plate agents. NORTHWESTERN TRANSPORTATION CO. Detroit, Micu., Oct. 7, 1890. FISHER ELECTRIC CO., Detroit, Mich., GentLeMEN :—Replying to your inquiry regarding the operation of the 200 Light Incandescent Plant placed on the Steamer S. R. Kirby, we wish to say that the plant has operated during the season without an interruption and has not cost us one cent. and we would not be without it. No Lamps have been broken, Very truly yours, E. M. PECK, President. Powell’s Signal Oilers. Call) INCOMPARABLE FoR Sag ENGINES AND aT DYNAMOS. Convenient to fill. Easy to regulate. iil Flow of oil can be in- ) stantly shut off by simply | moving the lever down— | without distutbing the ad- ii, justment. Also made Double and Triple Sight feed “for Marine Engines. Your dealer can suppiy you. Manufact ied by The Wm. Powell Co., CINCINNATI, O. MANUFACTURERS, WHO GUARANTEE ITS ABSOLUTE PURITY, T. M. SINCLAIR & CO., Cepar Rapips, Iowa. WRECKING AND TOWING COMPANIES. I. H. OWEN, PRestpenT, F.H.VAN CLEVE, SxEc. CAPT. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt. Chicago. Escanaba. Escanaba. - ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready. Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 and 30 inches diameter, 30 inch, TUG MONARCH, . Stroke, Steam Pressure Allowed, 125 pounds. : TUG DELTA, | Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure Allowed, 105 pounds. TUG OWEN, | Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure Allowed, 104 pounds. CENTRIFUCAL PUMPS, Seven and Fourteen Inch Suction. PEE rc ential A a V.0.T.| ALVA B. JOE HARRIS. LINE | 4: L: CHAMBERLIN. TOM MAYTHAM. W.’D. CUSHING. C. G. CURTISS. OF W. A. COLLIER, Manager. TUGS. onions ~ si gpg. \ CLEVELAND. Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Lighters, etc., furnished on short notice. ERLE O[L COMEA .. HIGH FLASH. ERIE, PA., HIGH VISCOSITY. MANUFACTURERS OF THE Monarch Valve Cylinder and Engineers Valve Oils, THE MOST PERFECT CYLINDER OILS FOR MARINE USE. EVERY BARREL GUARANTEED. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway, OVER 100 MILES SHORTER than any other line between 1 And Principal New England and Canadian Points and BOSTON, MONTREAL, the great Northwest. THE ONLY LINE TO ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS, Via DULUTH, The New Short Line from principal points in Michigan to DULUT : and intermediate sections. RATES ALWAYS THE LOWEST.” ae _ New and elegant Wagner Vestibule Buffet Sleeping Cars on through trains. For time tables, tickets ad general information call on nearest ticket agent or write to} C. P. FLATLEY, Genl. Western Agt., V. DEARING, District Pa: 291 Jackson Street, St. PAUL, MINN. 202 Main Street, J Aoehae Wick: W. F, FITCH, Genl Magnaee eee one HIBRARD. Goan Mase TRS ae . . .] ° ba Ad ty . * le * MARQUETTE, MICH. ‘ RNs. TRE AOR: GRAPHITE PAINT SILOVULD BES USED OW ALG 9 13) ®. <O} MS Smoke-Stacks, Boiler-Fronts, Locomotive and Steamboat Stacks, Smoke Arches, Ash-Pans, Steam-Pipes and other Iron-Work. _ If you have use for such an article it will pay you to send for circular and testimonials. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. DIXON’S: PAINT ° ts

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