‘ { MARINE REVIEW. 13 OWNER OF Tuge OFFICE OPEN DAY & NIGHT Gz SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Sy DETROIT, MICH. ECKING, RAFT ‘oi ArT TOWING, WITH PLENTY OF WRECKING MATERIAL ON BOARD AND IN WAREHOUSE. WORKS WITH LINK MOTION HAS INCLINED CYLINDERS, THIS DECK HOIST IS OPERATED BY ONE LEVER, AND POSSESSES MANY ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER HOISTS. CoMBINES REQUIRES SrrenerH and (ae Lirtte Deck Utiniry. a g eV Room. THREE WINCHES. Sa THE CONTINENTAL MACHINE CO., W. A. LLOYD, Manager, Elm and Hemlock Streets, CLEVELAND, O. ACENTS FOR O’CONNELL’S PATENT CRANK PIN CREASER. Special attention given to Marine Repair Work, Blacksmithing and Pipe Fitting. Engineers supplies kept in stock. O IRON STEAMSHIP BUILDERS.—Treas- ury Department, Washington, D.C., August 5, 1891. Sealed proposals for the construction of a pone trope ner, to be named ‘*Calumet,” for the U. 8, Revenue-Cutter Service, to be stationed at Chicago, Ill., will be received at this Department until 2 0’clock P.M.of Thursday, Sept.10,1891. Bids must be in accordance with the instructions accompanying the specifications, and should be addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and indorsed on the envelopes *Pro- posals for a Steam-Propeller for the U.S. Rev- enue-Cutter Service.’’ Bidders must state the time in which they agree to complete the vessel. Specifications and plans for the work will be furnished to parties desiring to submit bids upon application to the Department. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive defects, if deemed for the interest of the Govern- ment so to do, A. B. NETTLETON, Acting Secretary. SMALLEY BROS. & CO., Bay City, Mich. MARSH STEAM PUMP, Absolute Actuation and Regulation Without Use of Tappets, Levers or other Mechanical Connections. FOR MARINE AND STATIONARY BOILERS. Smaller Sizes With or Without Hand Pumping Attachment. Exhaust Returned to Boiler. Heats Feed Water Forty to Fifty Degrees, accord- ing to tests made by Prof, M. E, Cooley, of the University of Michigan, Steam Valves Actuated by Direct Boiler Pressure. Has Fewer Wearing Parts than ANY OTHER Steam Pump. For Ciesiars Sne Prices, address STRONG, CARLISLE & TURNEY, Cleveland, 0. HEET METAL & BRASS WORKS, Detroit, Mich. Carey CARLETON & COLE, Port Huron, Mich. or BATTLE CREEK MACHINERY CO., Manufacturers, Battle Creek, Mich. (LUBA V RS Beare Li Dee. Standard time, given here, is 33 minutes slower than City time. THE NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS R. R._ - Arrive East. Depart East. Buiigio Pagsen Ser At dese.scsiscctess ceneetassaeaee IO 40 AM 10 45 AM Chicago Passenger ..:........2.. savscpues coe aneeme Ge 20.PM ee eee Local Breight scevimesaresscsssve svedupesimacceaweanas 4 OOP ML Le. Jesamsouays WESTWARD. Arrive. Depart. Chicago Passenger ...é:s.isccccccudvevevesconcumeeen am petenuye tase 6 30 AM Fostoria Passenger.......... veesu yeueaessoiontaaes 6 40 PM 7 00 PM Local Freight .......... PEER ERPS ccc corer eeseees 3 50 PM 6 00 AM Lorain Accommodation, Departs..............scescseseeees 5 10 PM Dover ‘Accommodation, Departs .....cscaccgraceecsteee oes I 30 PM and 5 10 PM All trains daily except Sunday. ERIE RAILWAY. | “ 3 Arrive. Depart. . Youngstown Accommodation....... eae ®7 15 AM 6 90 AM New York and Pittsburg Express ......... T5 15 AM *8 TO AM Pittsburg Accommodation... ...............00- *I2 30 PM *TI 25 AM New York & Pittsburgh Limited.......... - *9 55 AM *2 55 PM Mantua Accommodation .................. haces *7 20 PM *4 20 PM Voungstown: Bxpress:.:....:-.-qestus-.ne seas fg 10 PM 76 00 PM New York & Pittsburgh Express... ....... *6 50 PM *IT 00 PM * Daily. T Daily except Sunday. The short and direct route to Pittsburg, Washington and Baltimore. Only 4% hours to Pittsburg; four trains daily. For tickets; sleeping car space and further information address City Passenger Agent, 141 Superior St., (Weddell House block,) or Central Passenger Station, South Water Street. : A. M. TucKER, Gen’l Manager, G. E. Fours, C. P. and T. A., Cleveland, O. Cleveland, O. “W. C. RINEARSON, Gen. Pass. Agt., New York. GOULD’S STEAM AND WATER PACKING. Pat’d June 1, 1880—The Original Ring Packing. For Piston Rods, Valve Stem of Steam Engines, Steam Pumps, and especially adapted for Marine Engines and Electric Light Plants. (In ordering, give exact diameter of Stuffing Box and Piston Rod or Valve Stem, Self-Lubricating, Steam and Water Tight. Less friction than any other known Packing. Never grows hard if directions are. followed, Does not corrode the rod. Every Package Fully Warranted. : 3 N.B.—This packing will be sent to any address, and, if not satisfactory after a trial of 30 days, can be returned at our expense. None genuine without this trade-mark and date of patent, stamped on wrapper. All similar Packages are Imitations, and calculated to deceive. THE GOULD PACKING COMPANY, ALBION CHIPMAN, Treasurer, East Cambridge, Mass. THE O’CONNELL GREASER, During the past three years hundreds of ma- rine engines of from 2,000 to 4,000 h. p. have been served, as well as high speed electric light en- gines. —— RESULTS: : Sure control of Crank in. Stoppage of Lard Oil account. Perfectly clean Engine O'Connell & Cahill, Manistee, Mich. Dark lines indicate ap- paratus, TRADE-MARK, STANNARD & DILLON, Chicago, III. H. P. TOBEY, Toledo, 0.