8 MARINE REVIEW. SORE ac Reo nce NO IG TEI SLE MARINE REVIEW. DEVOTED TO THE LAKE MARINE AND KINDRED INTERESTS. JOHN M. MULROONEY, F. M. BARTON, HOMER J. CARR, - - - Associate Editor and Manager Chicago Office, ; 210 South Water Street. Published every Thursday at No. 510 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. aed \ Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year in advance. Convenient binders sent, post paid, 75 cents. Advertising rates on application. 4 2 The books of the United States treasury department contain the names of 3,510 vessels, measuring 1,063,063.90 tons in the lake trade. In classification of this fleet the lakes have more steamboats of 1,000 to 2,500 tons than the combined ownership of this class of vessels in all other sections of the country. The classification is as follows: Class. Number. Tonnage. ROME VEHBEIS cscissesstisCAseedsebisscisacsaccsess 1,527 652,922.25 SOIR Ge VESSELS, 6:2) ecvavessdestissetdscscveeresees 1,272 328,655.96 MEARE GUL cise ccsusdiciksidcevetesssecb evs scaseaeds 657 67,574.90 ROBE BCR es vesicsa tisidavaus ssbcsessswsGuelitiadinssssiecs es’ 54 13,910.09 MEM Basnds sic icvsces Vor tivessetesscss sass 3,510 1,063,063.90 According to the report of William W. Bates, United States com- missioner of navigation, 46 per cent. of the new tonnage of the country was built on the lakes during 1889. This is a percentage greater than the work of the Atlantic coast and western rivers combined, and almost equal to the whole work on the Atlantic and Pacific coast. In 1890 the tonnage built on the lakes is but very little less than that built on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Tonnage built on the lakes during the past five years was as follows: No. of boats. Net Tonnage. MEd bentaienpeanaccinthusesatassysccsssie sks 5 20,400.54 MEMO Pescceu pws sey asbhos<ievssvicssavemseais'ey sees 152 56,488.32 RPMS bcd egos scUSsuastL.. Gets dees desc ceueses cs 222 101,102.87 MOM diy op 5k Sd eanas <4 sikswitiivcs sicapseasce obs 225 107,080.30 BRM EL seis yak si Sek es Sand sichu ds essens vente 218 108,515.00 SUG EIN econ EsEkC poss os aveiws van epesene 902 393)597-03 _ Annual tonnage entries and clearances of the great seaports of the world, for 1889: New York, 11,051,236 tons; all seaports in the United States, 26,983,315 tons; Liverpool, 14,175,200 tons; London, 19,245,417 tons. Tonnage passing through Detroit river during 234 days of naviga- tion in 1889, amounted to 36,203,606 tons. Ten million tons more than the entries and clearances of all the seaports in the United States, and three million tons more than the combined foreign and coastwise shipping of Liverpool and London. _ $t. Mary’s Falls and Suez canal traffic: Number of boats through St. Mary’s Falls canal in 1890, 234 days of navigation, 10,557; tonnage, net registered, 8,454,435. Number of boats through Suez canal during 1890, full year, 3,389; tonnage, net registered, 6,890,014. — Entered at Cleveland Post Office as Second-class Mail Matter. SHIP YARDS of the lakes will without doubt find work enough to keep large forces employed during the coming winter, al- though the output of new tonnage will hardly be as great as dur- ing the past several years. A number of new freight boats as well as several costly passenger steamers will be built, however, as soon as owners and builders come together on prices. This is settled by the improvement in fall rates, and it is only a matter of a few weeks until contracts are announced. We hear of one iron builder having furnished figures to as many as ten parties,and it is more than probable that something will come from these ne- gotiations. From the office of the American Steel Farge Com- pany, West Superior, it is announced that at least eight whale- backs, four of them steamers, will be built for lake service dur- ing the winter. Now that the St. Clair river tunnel between Sarnia and Port Huron, a portion of the system of the Grand Trunk Rail- way, has been opened, with the announcement that no other railway company will be debarred from using it, it remains for the Michigan Central to follow the example set in this enterprise, and quit its legislative schemes for a bridge across the Detroit river, against which the most eminent engineers in the army ser- vice have three times reported adversely. The St. Clair tunnel, which is more than a mile in length and cost $2,700,000, is a grand triumph of engineering skill and will stand as a lasting : ships Shenandoah and Ra monument to the enterprise of the Grand Trunk and the ability of Engineer Joseph Hobson. Wrru Chicago recording shipments by lake of 747,000 bushels of grain in a single day, (Saturday last) and Buffalo’s receipts over Sunday and Monday aggregating about 2,000,000 bushels, it can truly be said that this is a big country and a loss in one line of trade is invariably made up in another. While lake transportation interests were depressed, almost to ruin in some lines, by a demoralizing iron market, an abundant grain crop came to the rescue and brought with it freight Tates that are beyond the highest expectations, and the reaction on ac- count of short supplies of ore promises another profitable season in 1892. - Shipbuilders, terminal companies and every. branch of the trade will profit accordingly. THERE is storage capacity at the head of Lake Superior for 20,000,000 bushels of grain, Duluth elevators being capable of caring for 11,500,000 bushels, while Superior has room for 8,500,- ooo bushels. These elevators as well as the big houses in Min- neapolis and St. Paul will undoubtedly be filled during the com- ing winter, after 20,000,000 bushels, or more, of the big north- western wheat crop has been moved by lake this fall. The grain holding over till next spring will add materially to the lake busi- ness of 1892. “EVERY man is entitled to his own opinion’’ said a promi- nent Cleveland ore dealer a few days ago, ‘‘but deliver me from the prophets in the iron market and the lake business after this season. The northwest and its resources are too much for them.’’ Reid’s Work on the Pontiac. In the delivery last week of the steel steamer Pontiac in the Ship Owner’s , dry dock, Cleveland, Wrecker Reid did a good job of work, although it can hardly be said that he was not very fortunate in his operations. His action in bringing the wrecked boat down from the Sault river after relieving her of only a sew hundred tons was criticised by representatives of the underwriters, and was the cause of some comment by outsiders, on the ground that he had everything to gain in not going to the expense of lightering the ore and little to lose in proportion, but he succeéd- ed in landing the boat safely and is deserving of credit accord- ingly. Interest is now centered in the amonnt Capt. Reid will recive, as a result of his contract to deliver the Pontiac in Cleve- land for 25 per cent. of the value of boat and cargo, as fixed by apprisal. Messrs. Coffinberry and Babcock have finished their survey but the figures are not given out. They are thought to be in the neighborhood of $136,000, however, which would mean about $32,000 gross for Reid’s work. Although the cost of repairs on the Pontiac will not be as heavy as might be expected, it is probable that constructive loss was taken into consideration in the apprisal. Vice President Bacon of the Minnesota Iron company, Rob- ert Ramsey of the Frick Coke Company of Pittsburgh, and Rob- ert Bently, iron manufacturer of Youngstown, have just returned from Puget sound. They speak encouragingly of the coal re- sources of Washington, but advance the opinion that coke made of the coal would be inferior to the Connelsville coke. There has been no development of iron properties upon which an opinion could be formed. It is thought that the visit of these gentle- men to Washington was in the interest ofJ. C. Morse and other capitalists interested in the Illinois Steel Company. A. Sewell & Co. of Bath, Me., builders of the big wooden : ppahannock, the former of 3, ross tons register and the latter 3,186 tons, have just ier big vessel, the Susquehanna, costing about $140,000 and capa- ble of carrying 4,000 tons of freight. ‘These big vessels have at- tracted a great deal of attention. : ing capacity. . » on Accovan of their large carry-