Dunford & Alverson’s Big Dock. An engraving on this page shows the immense dry dock of Dunford & Alverson at Port Huron, now ready for service. In length and width on top this dock is even larger than the big dock of the Detroit Dry Dock Company, and it is certain that business in the rivers between Lake Huron and Lake Erie is now well supplied in the matter of docking accommodations. ‘The dimensions of Dunford & Alverson’s new dock are as follows : PTAIFON cia ncoe secu ervey ReU canada Vi GUUS Ades Cheauweeet ESShAWen ssc ese 400 feet. WOE ONL LOD oss esccctvescessscssccwsssc Cevesess baneedevesee on O55 Width on bottom.........0.0.. GUAR artes dovectnes Bi ORR Width at gate....0........60% GRRE chs SAR ba WER SE LER Tbe. 62 RICHIE DE BOD i scsevssese oss gu<soast ss MN er eee ete 20,.)/ RR EEE eso hai hss 5 iyns vnsschmadeapnasn sep ince beiric Weasley EO. a BE MB acc oops sain ecu veoyontesesgavinksssehelcscciss hee The dock has pits to ship center-boards and rudders, and is otherwise equipped with all modern appliances. Lake Freight Situation. Although there seems to be little in the iron market as yet to warrant such a proceeding, it is a fact that vessel owners have been asked in a few cases to name a rate of freight for next sea- son on blocks of 100,000 to 120,000 tons of ore. This may be nothing more than an inquiry upon which some ore company MARINE REVIEW. pa » derstood that the vessel interests of Chicago are now emgaged in bringing this side of the question to the attention of the de- partment. They are deserving of earnest support from vessel interests in all parts of the lakes. If the city of Chicago means to contest the validity of the last river and harbor act as far as it - applies to government control of the Chicago river, by refusiug to pay the fine of $5,000 imposed by the act, then suit should be instituted without delay by the federal authorities, as it is understood that a fault in land condemnation proceedings con- nected with the construction of the bridge will compel the city to go into court and bring suits anew to condemn certain prop- erty. This means that the south draw of the bridge can not be’ opened during the coming season of navigation. Without re- gard to the result of this local difference, however, the fact re- mains that important questions regarding the encroachments of railway companies and corporations of all kinds on navigable streams in several parts of the lakes are dependent upon the subject at issue in Chicago,and the general governmentis looked for prompt action and a firm stand in this matter. Complaint will also be made against the Fort Wayne rail- road bridge as an unreasonable obstruction to the free naviga- tion of Chicago river. The Lake Line Agents’ Association has this matter in hand also. oe Rete pets ie DUNFORD & ALVERSON’S DRY DOCK, PORT)’ HURON. intends to base certain features of its business, but it has caused some favorable comment in the market. Ore rates are quoted at $1.20 from Ashland, 95 cents from Marquette and 80 cents from Escanaba, and the tendency is toward an advance in these figures, on account of the urgent demand for vessels at Duluth to take wheat to Buffalo at 4 cents. Coal to Portage has paid 75 cents within the week and it is thought that the 50 cent rate to Milwaukee and Chicago will be advanced in accord- ance with the improved rates to Lake Michigan from Buffalo. Coal fer the head of Lake Superior is still moving at 4o cents. Chicago’s Defiance in Canal Street Bridge Matter. On Sept. 5 last the city of Chicago was served with an or- der from Washington to remove Canal street bridge... The his- tory of this bridge obstruction and proceedings of the general government for its removal are matters well known to the ves- sel owners of the lakes, and the question involved is of the highest importance to navigation interests. ‘The first month has elapsed without the city showing any disposition to obey the order of the secretary of war. The matter has been taken out of the hands of the city officials by the city council, and the lat- ler has apparently dropped the whole subject. _It is now in or- der that immediate steps be taken by the war department to col- lect the first month’s fine of $5,000 from the city, and it is un- Capacity of Grain Elevators. With the close of navigation the matter of rates for storage of grain in vessels wintering at Chicago and other grain shipping ports on the lakes will be of great importance, and on this account the following statement of thenumber of elevators and their capa- city for some leading cities of the country will be of interest: Number of stationary Capacity in Name of City. elevators. bushels. NCW VOPR ciscscnesesecsccrscevens 27 27,275,000 Chicago ini: 2A aes, 26 28,675,000 Duluth and Superior......... 14 19,200,000 Minneapolis .....-.-sessereeeeee 16 13,290,000 Bee Oise. cit. i ac seeresacceree 12 11,950,000 Milwatrkees ¢..<cichscasecasepessss 9 5,430,000 DCEVOUE: ccs dees es 4 2,900,000 POOPTA ick coset sche ieascsceeeieee 5 2,150,000 ‘These figures are taken from the current issue of the Scien- tific American, which contains a lengthy article on the business of handling grain. In carrying 3,239 gross or 3,628 net tons of ore from Es- canaba to Buffalo the big steamer E. C. Pope, now owned by Eddy Bros. of Bay City, has again broken her own record of the largest cargo ever taken through the rivers, this time by eighteen tons. ‘The Maryland’s largest cargo from Escanaba to South Chicago was eighty-three gross tons in excess of that taken by the Pope to Buffalo. The Pope was unloaded at Buffalo in six- teen hours, actual working time,