MARINE REVIEW. II secs ee eee -REmoval of Buoys—Other Notices. Commanders Nicoll Ludlow, Edwin ‘I. Woodward and O. F. Heyerman, . in charge, . respectively, of the Ninth, ‘Tenth and Eleventh light-house districts, covering the entire chain of lakes, give notice that the work of replacing all iron buoys with spars painted the same colors will begin Nov. 10. The light vessels at Simmon’s Reef, White shoal and Gray’s reef, will be continued at their stations as late as it is prudent to do so, but not later, under any circumstatices, than Nov. 2 5. Buoys in Niagara river and the harbor of Buffalo, will be left in position as long as pos- sible, and on their removal no small buoys will be left in these localities. Commander Ludlow has been marking the shoals in the vicinity of Squaw and Garden islands, Lake Michigan, but as yet the spot some distance north of Squaw island shoal, on which the steamer Roumania struck a short time ago, has not been found. A black spar buoy (marker) has, however, been placed in 22 feet of water. on the north end of the Squaw island shoal, western edge of Whiskey island, slightly open to the west of Squaw ; northwest end of Squaw island, S. S. W.°%4 W., distant 2% miles; east tangent of Garden island, S. E. %4 E. There is a shoal spot with 15 feet on it less than half a mile to the south- ward of this buoy. A spar buoy, (marker) red and black horizontal stripes, has been placed on what is known on the chart as the 18-foot spot, N. E. by N., 234 miles from the northwest end of Garden island. There is but 15 feet of water where the buoy is placed. Regular spar buoys will replace the markers next spring. A telegram from Capt. F. B. Hackett of Amherstburg, Wednesday, said that his contract from the Dominion govern- ment for the removal of the wrecked barge Birckhead is com- pleted and the channel at the Lime-Kilns’ crossing is clear. rf & Ship-owners and captains will be interested to learn that at the Detroit Boat Works, Detroit, Mich.,*yawls of all sizes, from 14 to 22 feet in length, are constantly kept in stock and delivered to vessels while passing through the river, or at their dock, day or night. REASONS Why You Should Buy THE SINTZ ENGINE. It gives more actual power for the cost and the expense of running it than any other engine on the market, using but one gallon gasoline per horse power in ten hours. It occupies less space per horse power. It requires no boiler, coal, wood or fireman, inspection or licensed en- gineer. Can be used in the country, in mines, and such places independent of manufactured gases. Sault Canal Tonnage during October. A feature of the Sault canal traffic during October is the great falling off in iron ore shipments. The total freight movement during October was 1,152,611 net tons, against 1,196,108 net tons in 1890. The tonnage for October would certainly have greatly exceeded that of the corresponding month in 1890 if it were not for the sinking of the steamer Susan E. Peck, through which Lake Superior traffic was stopped for several days. The general movement of freight through the canal during the month was as follows : Description, Hast-bound West-bound. NOOUL coe vsiW sen aseiuss seen oteesenmaienpvececeoeen ones 294,831 tons. PLONE civ cives: evveavsekvitepncusians 258 543,634 bbls. 350 bbls. QTE ie ovsvsiverdersvsteey sstupalec a vase MB ee 42,500 bu. COP; Sain 0s inser vevenaen aeetaee es 41 j600 bu. 5 ce ees ae WHERE. recessions evades ibapevnnwecyit 7, 503j;500 Dil. ieee ee DOUGLING "StONG.> 5 .scerc.canss csc aca 5439 tone oo. ire COPEL se Hiivevecssonsvevereriee dscns «> 9,598 Combs: =). eoaeeass Mamiifactu fet: 1rOn iei0d whe 08 cts veces 7,447 tons. Ir Qi, OF Cpe. eas ves ts ben oye so sco ae 382,949 tons. .. ee DEON He acrenetaay sveccoses. tes ve vnties 9,099 tOnS. ois ae PO Uiietercrercies Wiss neustoretscav en JomeC wea enaaeee 53,548 bbls. TAIN DEE sis sbis blersguchelsscvcuse sy yse §1,505 M feet: 2 Unclassified freignt...s.-.. 0. 11,748 tons. 52,635 tons. Passengers ...... bby ass EG aa 565 595 The great bulk of the freight movement is represented in grain. Iron ore shipments through the canal are 200,367 net tons less than during October 1890 and 238,367 net tons less than during September. CHICAGO AND RETURN, $6.00,-Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. F., Cleve- land Canton, No. 33, will run an excursion to Chicago via the Nickel Plate, Monday, Nov. 16. Train leaves 6:30 a.m, giving seven days to. visit the city of the World’s Fair. Nickel Plate excursion to Chicago, Nov. 16. Tickets good seven days. $6.00 round trip. is os lee SHIP-BUILDERS. — OFFICE OF THE Light-House Board, Washington, D. C. November 2, 1891. Proposals will be received at this office until 2 o’clock P.M., of Tuesday, the 24th day of November, 1891, for furnishing the materials and labor of all _kin’'s necessary to construct and deliver the United States light- house tender MAPLE. Plans, specifications, forms of proposal, and other information may be obtained on application to this office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive any defects. JAMES A. GREER, Com- modore, U.S. Navy, Chairman. bbe fd — 12 nw | 31 BFE] og F mt |— a e tei iW a " cacao > 7s 22. | gee | ng oe bes elaeNe a| § =| Svs @ ar) = > wl u Lol nN i Oo isle a4 a >| sis ee i L by ge une UL > Oo uw | ele z ta z = |S <x x ” eo: |e Ss = secs i+ 4] e | 385 om oa | "a 2s lyse O o =a fa uapeume DUNFORD &« ALVERSON, PORT HURON, MICH. SHIP {| DOCKING, REPAIRING, SPAR MAKING. DOCK HAS PIT TO. SHIP RUDDERS. | NAW DO. (Largest on the Lakes.) Length: 400 feet. on top 95 feet. Width: { bottom 55 * at gate 62 ‘‘ Depth: - to sill 18 « ( to floor 20 feet. ( onblocks16 Nearest Modern Dock to the SAULT or MACKINAW.