Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 19 Nov 1891, p. 12

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12 MARINE REVIEW. RELEC>, =e Ss. VESSEL AND MACHINERY EXCHANCE. Space under this heading may be used gratis. by our advertisers or subscribers to call attention to vessels or any craft, machinery, new or second hand, that they may have for sale. Those wanting machinery of any kind, or wishing to purchase vessels, are invited to take advan- tage of the same offer. Each item will be limited to three lines. Letters concerning same must mention number attached to item and be addressed MARINE REVIEW, 510 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. 0. 74—FOR SALE—Steam launch 28 feet long and 5 feet beam with com- pound engine and coil boiler. 75—Dredging plant and contract for sale. 76—Pound rolling valve engine, 14x14, for sale. 77—WANTED—Particulars of inventions by party who can furnish money to patent same. 78—WANTED-—First-class marine engine draughtsman. 79—WANTED—Steam yacht, 65 to 80 feet long, about 6 feet draft and plenty of deck room. 80—FOR SALE-—Steam yacht 4o feet long, 9 feet beam; suitable for pleasure or ferry purposes; allowed forty passengers. Will sell cheap or exchange for interest in steambarge or lumber schooner. 81—FOR SALE—Az2 steam barge; 174M capacity; easy terms. 82—FOR SALE—A1* steam barge ; capacitv 375M; easy terms. 83—+OR SALE—One compound marine engine cylinders 16 and 32x26 inches stroke. 84—FOR SALE—One return flue fire box marine boiler, 8 feet diameter, 12 feet long. New. 1867. PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. (§9], A. G. HARBAUCH & CO., 34 & 36 River Street, CLEVELAND, 0. Manufacturers of Strictly Pure and Acidless Lard Oils,specially adapted for Steamboat use. Will furnish Brand free for Ship Chandlers or other dealers who desire their name and address on packages. RARE CHANCE for capitalists to invest eight or ten thousand dollars in boats that have recently been patent- ed and will pay from thirty to fifty per cent. per annum. Can be used in numbers of placesin the United States. For fuy- ther particulars address MARINE REVIEW. | Combination Pump and Water Closet For above or below water line. No valves or cocks to turn on or off. WILLIAM BISHOP, Plumber, Coppersmith and Steam Fitter, 210 South Street, NEW YORK. Telephone Call, 4811 Cortlandt. YACHT PLUMBING A SPECTALTY. « 4 °N SCAU SSNOS 9 ANA Wd ’M OR onl i) Excursion Steamers. 183, 185 & 187 LEARNED ST., DETROIT, MICH. Tue INCANDESCENT LIGHT Is the only safe means: of illuminating Passenger, Freight or All other illuminants are dangerous. Our system is Automatic in its: operation; perfect in every detail and does not require a skilled expert. FISHER ELECTRIC CO. POPULAR and INSTRUCTIVE BOOKS For Engineers and Firemen, —BY— y STEPHEN ROPER, Engineer. ROPER’S HAND BOOKS. Hand-Book of Land and Marine EN Gin OS ii5i.5, cc decarvavecnsgsnesans sacks Uatpunagan 3 50 Engineers’ Handy ps pti 3 50 Hand-Book of Modern Steam Fire : 3 50 Powell’s Signal Oilers. INCOMPARABLE FOR ENGINES AND DYNAMOS. Convenient to fill. Easy to regulate. } Flow of oil can be in- i stantly shut off by simply moving the lever down— without disturbing the ad- , justment. Also made Double and Triple Sight feed for Marine Engines. A eae DR Poe ee F eins ooo recta iasccks «cc iaanaevaneee ; A is oe eales shee supply Hand-Baok of the Locomotive......... 2 5 Caine You “anuactured }y In-tructions and Suggestions for En- ines The Wm. Powell Co., gineers and Firemen .............:...00.. 2 00 Use and Abuse of the Steam Boiler.. 2 00 Catechism of High Pressure Steam Mell CINCINNATT, 0. Sy ove BM 2iMeS eis, 5 acc scecnance deveveiee foea-e esace -.. 2 00 ST r42unoO Questions and Answers for Engin- SS UIEGE © COT Bis hay hn cc tith Silcgee tacegura ne saat 3 SrsseoFs Simple Processy. cee seis sees 5 Spe ee 2= eh one Management of the Steam Roi ° $0730 ORF Cee ks co acdsee Rabe een caveat ) ne S che ae = Young Engineers’ Own Book............ 3 00 oe =4¢ FESE _ These books embrace -all’ branches of Oo6ortaae Steam Engineering—Marine, Stationary, me Paseo ss Locomotive and Fire. Any engineer mo mele s--s ¢ eB who wishes to be well informed i: all the mela oo a duties of his calling should provide him- Fol seessy. self with a full set. They are the only 22hse5 lie: books.of the kind ever published in this <= . qehree country, and they are so plain that any $2 Sa8a5g> enginecr or fireman that can read, ean ote span Pons easily understand them. =F see< 504 ‘ Any of the above books will be sent to x as “S--as - : any part of the United States or Canada BRGis OOF on reeeipt of list price. 335 oe. =: Send money in Registered Letter, P.O. BD ey Bm Order or Postal Note, SS ec 8- Sa oss x age SEs Cc EDWARD MEEKS, Publisher, oN 2e5 S&S No. 1012 Walnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. WRECKING AND TOWING COMPANIES. I. H. Bay sag ka F.H. VAN CLEVE, Sec. CAPT. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt. Escanaba. Escanaba, ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready. TUG MONARCH, { Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 and 30 inches diameter, 30 inch. ._ Stroke, Steam Pressure Allowed, 125 pounds. TUG DELTA, | Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure Allowed, 105 pounds. TUG OWEN, | Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure Allowed, 104 pounds. CENTRIFUCAL PUMPS, Seven and Fourteen Inch Suction. —_——— Ee V.0.T.| ALVA B. JOE HARRIS. LINE H. L. CHAMBERLIN. TOM MAYTHAM. OF W. D. CUSHING. C. G. CURTISS. TUGS. W. A. COLLIER, Manager. Office, Main Street Bridge Telephone 409. "} CLEVELAND. Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Lighters, etc., furnished on short notice. ERIE OIL COMPANY, ne RUE perm RA HIGH FLASH. ERIE, PA. eras ————s MANUPACTURERS pet fer HIGH VISCOSITY. Monarch Valve Cylinder and Engineers Valve Oils, THE MOST PERFECT CYLINDER OILS FOR MAR MA EVERY BARREL GUARANTEES. ews 5 cents to the MARINE REVIEW for a Binder that wit bela 52 Send 7 numbers.

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