14 MARINE REVIEW. ee eT ee eR Te HENRY B. BURGER. GEORGE B. BURGER. CON. STARKE. JOS. WOLTER. AUG. RIEBOLDT. H. B. & CG. B. BURCER, RIEBOLDT, WOLTER & CO,, MANITOWOC, WIS. Ship Builders and Contractors. Dock will admit vessels of 1200 tons and boxes will lift 350 ton vessels. Yard is fitted with a large spar derrick, and a stock of spars always on hand. THE FRONTIER IRON WORKS, Fitted with “JO 4VE G é DETROIT, MICH. Builders of TRIPLE EXPANSION and all kinds of Engines furnished for Steamships: T. W. Palmer, Livingstone, Majestic, Tampa, John Mitchell, Nyanza, Fedora, Geo.F. Williams, SHIPBUILDERS, "SIM ‘NWDAOG3HS FLOATING DRY DOCK WILL LIFT VESSELS OF 4oo TONS. xX. D. ROOT, Lorain, O. Established 1853. SHIPBUILDING AND CENERAL REPAIRINC. TUGS AND STEAM YACHTS A SPECIALTY, J. D. WILSON. M. HENDRIE. Montague Iron Works, MONTAGUE, MICH. WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. MANUFACTURERS OF Mackinaw, Marine Engines and Boilers See no. Harper, 5 } W. F. Sauber, and losco. AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY, P fore and aft aeILlier, Cyr ound) DUNFORD & ALVERSON, PORT HURON, MICH. oe a NRW Dock. BUILD t N G. (Largest on the Lakes. ) DOCKING, REPAIRING, - SPAR MAKING. Length: 400 feet. on top 95 feet. Width: { bottom 55 <‘“ at gate 62.‘ to floor 20 feet. Depth: < to sill 18 « onblocks16 ‘< Nearest Modern Dock to the SAULT or MACKINAW. McMYLER MANUFACTURING Co ae CLEVELAND, 0. —~+ > SOLE MAKERS OF THE ~—— UGMIVLER PATENT. REVOLIING STEAM. DERRICK FOR HANDLING COAL, ORE AND COARSE FREIGHT OF ANY DESCRIPTION. This Derrick can Lift Load, Alter the Radius of Boom, Swing in Either Direction at Will of. Operator, and can Propel Itself.on Track any De- sired Distance. BUILT FOR ANY CAPACITY WANTED BUILDERS OF CONVEYORS, COAL BUCKETS, ORE BUCKETS AND DUMP CARS. DOCK HAS PIT TO SHIP RUDDERS.