The U. S. schooner Hamilton emerges from the naval base, with the warship General Pike under construction on shore. In late May 1813 while the American squadron was at the other end of the lake, the
The U. S. schooner Hamilton emerges from the naval base, with the …
The small hamlet of Sandwich later grew into the City of Windsor, but at this time following defeat on Lake Erie and the subsequent retreat of the British, it was easily occupied by American forces.
The small hamlet of Sandwich later grew into the City of Windsor, …
The Nelson was the largest gunboat with a 24-pdr. cannon and 32-pdr. carronade. Gunboats were used extensively by the British and the Americans in the fight for mastery of the St. Lawrence. They were
The Nelson was the largest gunboat with a 24-pdr. cannon and 32-pdr. …
Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. Royal Naval Dockyard at Kingston, Upper Canada As it appeared during the latter days of the Provincial Marine and prior to the beginning of the 181
Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. Royal Naval Dockyard at Kingston, …
Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. The U.S.S. GENERAL PIKE Chauncey's flagship on Lake Ontario during the greater part of the 1812 War. This frigate was built at Sackett's Harbour in
Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. The U.S.S. GENERAL PIKE Chauncey's …
Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. H.M.S. WOLFE, Yeo's Flagship on Lake Ontario, 1813 This vessel participated in most of the principal engagements on Lake Ontario. She was completed
Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. H.M. Armed Luggers, KINGSTON, QUEBEC, and BLACK SNAKE, 1813 and 1814 A number of such vessels were used by the British naval forces to convoy briga
Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. H.M.S. DETROIT Barclay's flagship on Lake Erie, 1813. This vessel was named Detroit in honour of Sir Isaac Brock's victory at that place in the yea
Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. H.M.S. DETROIT Barclay's flagship on …