Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. H.M.S. DETROIT Barclay's flagship on Lake Erie, 1813. This vessel was named Detroit in honour of Sir Isaac Brock's victory at that place in the yea
Courtesy Canada Steamship Lines' Marine Hist. Coll. H.M.S. DETROIT Barclay's flagship on …
Amherstburg was Britain's upper lakes naval base just before the Battle of Lake Erie, September 1813. The flagship HMS Detroit is anchored on the left and the ship-rigged corvette Queen Charlotte is
Amherstburg was Britain's upper lakes naval base just before the Battle of …
The view about 3:00, as Niagara is "hove to," pouring carronade rounds into the enemy. Queen Charlotte is seen lowering her white ensign in surrender, with Detroit following suit shortly afterwards.
The view about 3:00, as Niagara is "hove to," pouring carronade rounds …
Barclay's squadron had worked to windward of the Americans throughout the night, but by dawn they were hove to ready for battle. As the morning wore on, they assembled themselves into their battle or
Barclay's squadron had worked to windward of the Americans throughout the night, …
In the early stages of the Battle of Lake Erie, General Hunter was stationed between the larger Queen Charlotte and the Detroit, shown here on the extreme left and right. The time is before 2:00 p.m.
In the early stages of the Battle of Lake Erie, General Hunter …
Another view of the climax as the Niagara rakes the two fouled British ships at close range. Each carronade on the American ship was double-shotted, causing horrendous damage on the British vessels.
Another view of the climax as the Niagara rakes the two fouled …
In his re-flagged command vessel Niagara, Perry executes the classic "crossing of the 'T'" in the climax of the Battle of Lake Erie at about 2:45 p.m., September 10, 1813.
In his re-flagged command vessel Niagara, Perry executes the classic "crossing of …
Perry has abandoned the Lawrence and has been taken by rowboat to assume command of the fresh brig Niagara, which is beginning to turn downwind. HMS Detroit (centre) is in the process of turning down
Perry has abandoned the Lawrence and has been taken by rowboat to …
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