With anchored U. S. schooners providing close support, American infantry boats came ashore near Fort George at the mouth of the Niagara River. This successful amphibious attack provided a useful temp
With anchored U. S. schooners providing close support, American infantry boats came …
Perry has abandoned the Lawrence and has been taken by rowboat to assume command of the fresh brig Niagara, which is beginning to turn downwind. HMS Detroit (centre) is in the process of turning down
Perry has abandoned the Lawrence and has been taken by rowboat to …
Anyone who knows about the legendary Buffalo snowfalls must feel for those who were stationed at this post on the Niagara River. In the winter of 1812-1813, American ships were hauled up and lined on
Anyone who knows about the legendary Buffalo snowfalls must feel for those …
In the September 28, 1813 engagement, the Wolfe ran downwind into Burlington Bay and sought refuge close to shore. The pattern of damage on the flagship meant that she could only follow the wind's di
In the September 28, 1813 engagement, the Wolfe ran downwind into Burlington …
During the American hunt for the Royal George early in the war, the U. S. Schooner Hamilton came across the tiny merchant schooner Two Brothers, on the morning of November 10, 1812, off the village o
During the American hunt for the Royal George early in the war, …
In this opening shot of the war on the Upper Lakes, a British boat crew demand the surrender of the supply schooner, Cuyahoga Packet, carting musicians, invalids, and official papers bound for Fort D
In this opening shot of the war on the Upper Lakes, a …
In light winds, with all sail set, the flagship HMS Royal George ran for Kingston Harbour on the afternoon of November 10, 1812. Pursuing American schooners closed the distance under sweeps, but Roya
In light winds, with all sail set, the flagship HMS Royal George …
The view about 3:00, as Niagara is "hove to," pouring carronade rounds into the enemy. Queen Charlotte is seen lowering her white ensign in surrender, with Detroit following suit shortly afterwards.
The view about 3:00, as Niagara is "hove to," pouring carronade rounds …