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Buffalo Enrollments, Volume H (28 Sept. 1859 - 16 April 1862), 1857-1862, Tiger, Tug propeller
Joseph Cockran, Schooner
No. 114 [Blank]
Badger State, Barque: 115 of 1859
Kentucky, Propeller: 116 of 1859
Mechanic, Brig: 117 of 1859
Sunbury, Schooner: 118 of 1859
Fox, Schooner: 119 of 1859
Geraldine, Schooner: 120 of 1859
Geraldine, Schooner: 121 of 1859
Chicago, Propeller: 122 of 1859
City of Madison, Propeller: 123 of 1859
Autocrat, Schooner: 124 of 1859
Col. A. B. Williams, Schooner: 125 of 1859 (Temporary)
Col. H. K. Velie, Canal tug propeller: 126 of 1859
Maria F. Johnson, Schooner: 127 of 1859
Maria F. Johnson, Schooner: 128 of 1859
Oleander, Brig: 129 of 1859
Oliver L. Swift, Tug propeller: 130 of 1859
Wabash Valley, Propeller: 131 of 1859
New England, Propeller: 132 of 1859
L. H. Nichols, Steam tug: 1 of 1860
New England, Propeller: 2 of 1860
Quincy, Propeller: 3 of 1860
Burlington, Propeller: 4 of 1860
Allegheny, Propeller: 5 of 1860
Rugby, Schooner: 6 of 1860
Potomac, Propeller: 7 of 1860
Iowa, Propeller: 8 of 1860
Rebecca, Schooner: 9 of 1860
Chicago, Propeller: 10 of 1860
Cataract, Propeller: 11 of 1860
Curtiss Mann, Schooner: 12 of 1860
International, Steamboat: 13 of 1860
Fred L. Wells, Schooner: 14 of 1860
M. B. Spaulding, Propeller: 15 of 1860
Dauntless, Schooner: 16 of 1860
Buffalo, Tug propeller: 17 of 1860
Iowa, Propeller: 18 of 1860
Buffalo, Tug propeller: 19 of 1860
Storm King, Schooner: 20 of 1860
Golden Harvest, Schooner: 21 of 1860
Venice, Brig: 22 of 1860
Petrel, Schooner: 23 of 1860
Pocahontas, Propeller: 24 of 1860
Hurricane, Schooner: 25 of 1860
Eliza Logan, Schooner: 26 of 1860
Wings of the Wind, Schooner: 27 of 1860
Governor Hunt, Schooner: 28 of 1860
T. U. Bradbury, Propeller: 29 of 1860
Cataract, Propeller: 30 of 1860
M. B. Spaulding, Propeller: 31 of 1860
Carrie Woodford, Schooner: 32 of 1860
Sciota, Propeller: 33 of 1860
Pocahontas, Propeller: 34 of 1860
R. J. Sanborn, Schooner: 35 of 1860
Miranda, Schooner: 34 1/2 of 1860
Philo S. Bemis, Tug propeller: 35 1/2 of 1860
Philo S. Bemis, Tug propeller: 36 of 1860
Ocean, Brig: 37 of 1860
H. N. Farnham, Schooner: 38 of 1860
Chicago, Propeller: 39 of 1860
Mary Jane, Schooner: 40 of 1860
Cuyahoga, Propeller: 41 of 1860
E. P. Dorr, Tug propeller: 42 of 1860
Tom Cummings, Canal scow: 43 of 1860
Rapid, Tug propeller: 44 of 1860
E. Morrel, Canal boat: 45 of 1860
E. P. Dorr, Tug propeller: 46 of 1860
Acme, Propeller: 47 of 1860
Susquehanna, Propeller: 48 of 1860
H. M. Mixer, Canal boat: 49 of 1860 (Temporary)
H. D. Pixley, Canal boat: 50 of 1860 (Temporary)
Tiger, Tug propeller: 51 of 1860
John Sweeney, Barque: 52 of 1860
Storm King, Schooner: 53 of 1860
Grampus, Lake boat: 54 of 1860
F. G. White, Canal boat: 55 of 1860 (Temporary)
Daniel Brown, Tug: 56 of 1860
H. P. Campbell, Canal boat: 57 of 1860
Free Kansas, Canal boat: 58 of 1860 (Temporary)
Niagara, Propeller: 59 of 1860
C. N. Johnson, Schooner: 60 of 1860
Great West, Barque: 61 of 1860
John H. Moore, Canal Boat: 62 of 1860
Charles O'Connor, Canal boat: 63 of 1860
Saco, Canal boat: 64 of 1860
A. W. Cutter, Canal boat: 65 of 1860
Seneca, Canal boat: 66 of 1860
Canastea, Canal boat: 67 of 1860
Brooklyn, Canal boat: 68 of 1860
Dewitt Clinton, Canal boat: 69 of 1860
Forest Queen, Propeller: 70 of 1860
William T. Shear, Canal boat: 71 of 1860
Sea Gull, Schooner: 72 of 1860
Raritan, Canal boat: 73 of 1860
S. P. Johnson, Canal boat: 74 of 1860
Dahlia, Canal boat: 75 of 1860
Amazon, Canal boat: 76 of 1860
S. D. Flagg, Canal boat: 77 of 1860
Moscow, Canal boat: 78 of 1860
Geranium, Canal boat: 79 of 1860
Abysinnia, Canal boat: 80 of 1860
Verbena, Canal boat: 81 of 1860
Columbia, Canal boat: 82 of 1860
Aetna, Canal boat: 83 of 1860
Hamilton, Canal boat: 84 of 1860
Dresden, Canal boat: 85 of 1860
Buffalo, Propeller: 86 of 1860
Energy, Canal boat: 87 of 1860
Edith, Propeller: 88 of 1860
Edith, Propeller: 89 of 1860
Dardanelles, Schooner: 90 of 1860
Buffalo, Propeller: 91 of 1860
Elyrea, Canal boat: 92 of 1860
Milan, Canal boat: 93 of 1860
Tifft, Canal boat: 94 of 1860
Ednah, Canal boat: 95 of 1860
Arthur A. Farmer, Canal boat: 96 of 1860
George T. Bentley, Canal boat: 97 of 1860
Peter Cagger, Canal boat: 98 of 1860
Bay State, Schooner: 99 of 1860
Thomas G. Scott, Schooner: 100 of 1860
Echo, Tug propeller: 101 of 1860
Aldebaran, Canal boat: 102 of 1860
Christopher, Canal boat: 103 of 1860
George Pendleton, Canal boat: 104 of 1860
Henry Hagar, Schooner: 105 of 1860
Elizabeth, Canal boat: 106 of 1860
Fox, Schooner: 107 of 1860
Racine, Propeller: 108 of 1860
G. T. Williams, Canal boat: 109 of 1860
Noye, Canal boat: 110 of 1860
Henry Fitzhugh, Canal boat: 111 of 1860
Andes, Canal boat: 112 of 1860
George H. Pierce, Canal boat: 113 of 1860
Alida, Tug propeller: 114 of 1860
Marquette, Propeller: 115 of 1860
Rose, Canal boat: 116 of 1860
White Rose, Canal boat: 117 of 1860
R. H. Heywood, Canal boat: 118 of 1860
Cleveland, Canal boat: 119 of 1860
Oleander, Canal boat: 120 of 1860
D. K. Fenner, Canal boat: 121 of 1860
Rail Splitter, Canal boat: 122 of 1860
Cataract, Propeller: 123 of 1860
Little Giant, Canal boat: 124 of 1860
Mercer, Schooner: 125 of 1860
Sirius, Schooner: 126 of 1860
Pittsburgh, Propeller: 127 of 1860
John Bell, Canal boat: 128 of 1860
Philena Mills, Schooner: 129 of 1860
Mary Stockton, Barque: 130 of 1860
Rocket, Schooner: 131 of 1860
Honest Abe, Canal boatg: 132 of 1860
City of Cleveland, Steamboat: 133 of 1860
Commerce, Schooner: 134 of 1860
Frank Lester, Canal boat: 135 of 1860
Samuel S. Whallon: 136 of 1860
William Fiske, Schooner: 137 of 1860
Wm. H. McMichael, Canal boat: 138 of 1860
Jane, Canal boat: 139 of 1860
Niagara, Steamboat: 140 of 1860
William B. Hibbard, Schooner: 141 of 1860
Sophia Smith, Schooner: 142 of 1860
Great West, Barque: 143 of 1860
Castalia, Brig: 144 of 1860
Baltic, Steamboat: 145 of 1860
R. J. Sanborn, Schooner: 146 of 1860
Sunbury, Schooner: 147 of 1860
George W. Holt, Schooner: 148 of 1860
Buffalo, Tug propeller: 149 of 1860
Governor King, Tug Propeller: 150 of 1860
Mobile, Canal boat: 151 of 1860
Minnesota, Steamboat: 152 of 1860
General Worth, Brig: 153 of 1860
Storm Spirit, Schooner: 154 of 1860
Jenny Lind, Schooner: 1 of 1861
Potomac, Schooner: 2 of 1861
William Fiske, Schooner: 3 of 1861
Arab, Schooner: 4 of 1861
Annie C. Raynor, Schooner: 5 of 1861
Potomac, Schooner: 6 of 1861
Naomi, Barque: 7 of 1861
Eli Bates, Schooner: 8 of 1861
Eli Bates, Schooner: 9 of 1861
Grace Greenwood, Barque: 10 of 1861 (Temporary)
Ocean Eagle, Brig: 11 of 1861
Joseph Cockran, Schooner: 12 of 1861
Tiger, Tug propeller: 13 of 1861
Ramsey Crooks, Brig: 14 of 1861
Resolute, Schooner: 15 of 1861
Return, Schooner: 16 of 1861
Kentucky, Propeller: 17 of 1861
Sun, Propeller: 18 of 1861
George L. Newman, Schooner: 19 of 1861
D. P. Dobbins, Tug propeller: 20 of 1861
No. 21 of 1861 not issued
Potomac, Propeller: 22 of 1861
Storm King, Schooner: 23 of 1861
City of Milwaukie, Schooner: 24 of 1861
City of Buffalo, Schooner: 25 of 1861
City of Chicago, Schooner: 26 of 1861
William Fiske, Schooner: 27 of 1861
Minnesota, Steamboat: 28 of 1861 (Temporary)
Minnesota, Steamboat: 29 of 1861 (Temporary)
Philena Mills, Schooner: 30 of 1861
J. H. Carley, Canal boat: 31 of 1861
Jesse Hoyt, Barque: 32 of 1861
Oleander, Brig: 33 of 1861
Mary Brown, Schooner: 34 of 1861
Excelsior, Schooner: 35 of 1861
Kitty Culver, Canal boat: 36 of 1861
Washington, Steam tug: 37 of 1861
Colorado, Schooner: 38 of 1861
J. W. Peabody, Tug propeller: 39 of 1861
Galena, Canal boat: 40 of 1861
Wenona, Canal boat: 41 of 1861
Fountain City, Canal boat: 42 of 1861
La Fayette, Steam tug: 43 of 1861
Sunshine, Barque: 44 of 1861 [Void]
Sunshine, Barque: 44 of 1861
Shawnee, Canal boat: 45 of 1861
Yuba, Canal boat: 46 of 1861
R. S. Carter, Tug propeller: 47 of 1861
D. N. Hatch, Canal boat: 48 of 1861
Carrie E. Smith, Canal boat: 49 of 1861
Ezra N. Hill, Canal boat: 50 of 1861
Major Anderson, Canal boat: 51 of 1861
City of Buffalo, Schooner: 52 of 1861
A. P. Nichols, Barque: 53 of 1861
William S. Bull, Tug propeller: 55 of 1861
Mary E. Fulston, Canal boat: 54 of 1861
William M. Ashley, Canal boat: 55 of 1861
Colonel Ellsworth, Canal boat: 56 of 1861
Richard Roe, Schooner: 57 of 1861
Emma King, Canal boat: 58 of 1861
William Wells, Tug propeller: 59 of 1861
Star, Schooner: 60 of 1861
Canopus, Brig: 61 of 1861
Comet, Schooner: 62 of 1861
Baltic, Schooner: 63 of 1861
Major Clark, Canal boat: 64 of 1861
Mendota, Canal boat: 65 of 1861
James McIndoe, Scow: 66 of 1861
M. McGrath, Canal boat: 67 of 1861
Forest Queen, Propeller: 68 of 1861
Carrington, Schooner: 69 of 1861 (Temporary)
Kate Richmond, Schooner: 70 of 1861
B. M. Hagin, Canal boat: 71 of 1861
Arial, Schooner: 72 of 1861 (Temporary)
City of Milwaukie, Schooner: 73 of 1861
Oliver R. Brown, Canal boat: 74 of 1861
Henry Beckworth, Canal boat: 75 of 1861
Thomas Kearny, Canal boat: 76 of 1861 (Void)
Samuel Ward, Barque: 76 of 1861 (Void)
Samuel Ward, Barque: 76 of 1861
R. J. Sanborn, Schooner: 77 of 1861
C. B. Blair, Brig: 78 of 1861
City of Chicago, Schooner: 79 of 1861
Richard Roe, Schooner: 80 of 1861
P. F. Barton, Tug propeller: 81 of 1861
P. F. Barton, Tug propeller: 82 of 1861 (Temporary)
Jennie Bell, Tug propeller: 83 of 1861
Lucius H. Pratt, Canal boat: 84 of 1861
P. J. Ferris, Scow: 85 of 1861
J. T. Welton, Canal boat: 86 of 1861
Louisa, Tug propeller: 87 of 1861
R. J. Sanborn, Schooner: 88 of 1861 (Temporary)
H. S. Stark, Canal boat: 89 of 1861
Delos S. Harvey, Canal boat: 90 of 1861
Millard Fillmore, Schooner: [Deposition]
Millard Fillmore, Schooner: 91 of 1861 (Temporary, Void)
L. H. Nichols, Steam tug: [Deposition]
L. H. Nichols, Steam tug: 92 of 1861
Mary Elizabeth Perew: 92 of 1861
Sacs, Canal boat: 93 of 1861
George Pendleton, Canal boat: 94 of 1861
Tom Cochrane, Tug propeller: 95 of 1861
Equinox, Canal boat: 96 of 1861
Evergreen City, Canal boat: 97 of 1861
Eureka, Canal boat: 98 of 1861
J. W. Peabody, Tug propeller: 99 of 1861
George Ingalls, Canal boat: 100 of 1861
Anaconda, Canal boat: 101 of 1861
Dragon, Tug propeller: 102 of 1861
Diana, Schooner: 103 of 1861
Oleander, Brig: 104 of 1861
Miranda, Schooner: 105 of 1861
J. M. Lee, Schooner: 106 of 1861
Wood Duck, Scow: 107 of 1861
San Jacinto, Schooner: 108 of 1861
Imperial, Schooner: 109 of 1861
Dickey, Canal boat: 110 of 1861
R. S. Carter, Tug propeller: 111 of 1861
D. N. Hatch, Canal boat: 112 of 1861
Ezra N. Hill, Canal boat: 113 of 1861
Stars & Stripes, Canal boat: 114 of 1861
Ataunto, Schooner: 115 of 1861
Moscow, Canal boat: 116 of 1861
Perseverance, Schooner: 117 of 1861
Snow Drop, Schooner: 118 of 1861
H. C. Winslow, Schooner: 119 of 1861
H. C. Winslow, Schooner: 120 of 1861 (Temporary)
William H. Wood, Tug propeller: 121 of 1861
California, Propeller: 122 of 1861
City of Buffalo, Canal steam propeller: 123 of 1861
H. A. Richmond, Schooner: 124 of 1861
Washington, Canal boat: 125 of 1861
Equator, Canal boat: 126 of 1861
Hercules, Canal boat: 127 of 1861
J. W. Minor, Canal boat: 128 of 1861
Post Boy, Schooner: 129 of 1861
Hanover, Schooner: 130 of 1861
Alida, Tug propeller: [Deposition]
Alida, Tug propeller: 131 of 1861
H. N. Martin, Tug propeller: 132 of 1861
Snow Drop, Schooner: 133 of 1861
Union Flag, Canal boat: 134 of 1861
Key Stone State, Steamboat: [Deposition]
Key Stone State, Steamboat: 135 of 1861
Eclipse, Canal boat: 136 of 1861
Black Hawk, Schooner: 137 of 1861
Colonel H. K. Velie, Tug propeller: 138 of 1861
Badger State, Barque: 139 of 1861
George Farrell, Tug propeller: 140 of 1861
George Farrell, Tug propeller: 141 of 1861 (Temporary)
H. M. Kinne, Steam tug: 142 of 1861
Edith, Propeller: 143 of 1861
L. B. Fortier, Schooner: 1 of 1862
W. L. Manning, Schooner: 2 of 1862
Jenny Lind, Schooner: 3 of 1862
Sea Gull, Schooner: 4 of 1862
A. P. Nichols, Barque: 5 of 1862
C. B. Blair, Brig: 6 of 1862
A. Frederick, Scow: 7 of 1862
Fox, Schooner: 8 of 1862
Miranda, Schooner: 9 of 1862
Eliza Logan, Schooner: 10 of 1862
Wood Boy, Scow: 11 of 1862
Badger State, Barque: 12 of 1862
P. J. Ferris, Scow: 13 of 1862
Golden West, Barque: 14 of 1862 (Temporary)
Forest Chief, Schooner: 15 of 1862
John Kelderhouse, Tug propeller: 16 of 1862
John Kelderhouse, Tug propeller: 17 of 1862
Josephine, Schooner: 18 of 1862
Rebecca, Schooner: 19 of 1862
Maria F. Johnson, Schooner: 20 of 1862
Adriactic, Schooner: 21 of 1862
Scotland, Schooner: 22 of 1862
Elm City, Schooner: 23 of 1862
J. M. Lee, Schooner: 24 of 1862
Rugby, Schooner: 25 of 1862
Ramsey Crooks, Brig
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Joseph Cockran, Schooner
Ramsey Crooks, Brig
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