250 NORTHERN, NORTHEASTERN, AND_ NORTHWESTERN FRONTIERS OF THE UNITED STATES. NT No.¢ 3%, ites of America, entitled 'An Act for Enrolling and Licensing Ships '--.-- 'An Act to regulate the Foreign and Coasting 'I'rade on the Northern, Northeastern, and Northwestern Frontiers or te Onited States, and for other purposes," passed the 2d March, 1831, and the Acts of the 7th July, 1838, 29th July, 1850, 6th May, 1864, and 17th June, 1864, '| DBooneat. Nota ma Wisoniig len oP suited he Dat teguired by the said fete, and Maving Qryrar hat thay tepslber---esithe wore a cttizen of the United Itates, and sole owner ofthe Beno ov vest ealled the Nerves bey ; \ rz dy a Debian 6 at fitatent Owen, and as te hath © Bore fa 6 a witicon of the United ates, ond that the said Bde oP veel was baile at Boak nick, ti the yea? 1862, ws oppeats by har Law Exrortiomerh SF this Pole dake ppt b N69 + Ondine 56 Pena Aeaprenshinche What henge t taving cettified that the said Si Chere. 7 veucl hes a, dich aw Sh mast. , and that To te? length bs Jeu $s fee te? Crcadth 3) iy et, te? depth JU . fect, te? height mn Fd ahi and that she measutes 43ru tons and 42 handiedths, viz: Tht shotsa Sober ho am ee antic tein. Ctnd the said By One & iets having agreed. to the desctiftlion and admeasutement above speoficd, and sufficient sreutity having been given, ta conformity with the dams ff 'the suid Clete, the sail Sahoo rie tas been daly entollid at the Bat Giben 4 my emit ohd vids of the efoto (if facs a. fon o tn the Distuct ye : tn the yea "f ti Cheusand eight epee on briny ¢ a Naval Officer. x Collector. nN Yg