ous ™ a [CIRCULAR.] af | , [fe * | TREASURY DEPARTMENT, _* : 2 : 4 ‘i _ FIFTH AUDITOR’S OFFICE, 9 o> * 2. aS ie. April /2. 1844. : Pe. : | ; 4 Sir: : ; | se ei ‘Your attention is particularly invited to the following additional instructions in = is BM : . i. 3 _respect to Light-house keepers : . | al NNO IR LE a SRO a I A Ll Oa COM a a AN i ii et rca cas = 1st. No extra payment can hereafter be made to keepers, for painting, whitewash- ' i a 3 — ing, or any other work not included among the duties for which they were appointed, and for which they receive their salary; such extra payment being expressly prohibited by the “2d section” of the act entitled “ An act making appropriations for the support - ; of the Army, and of the Military Academy ;” “approved August 23d, 1842, to wit : “ And be it further enacted, That no officer in any branch of the public service, or “any other person whose salary, pay, or emoluments, is or are fixed by law or regula- “ tions, shall receive any additional pay, extra allowance, or compensation, in any form “ whatever, for the disbursement of public money, or any other service or duty whatso- “ ever, unless the same shall be authorized by law, and the appropriation therefor ex- “ plicitly set forth that it is for such additional pay, extra allowance, or compensation.” 2d. Instead of wood,—charcoal or anthracite, if attainable, is hereafter to be used in the lanterns for warming the oil. From 20 to 60 bushels of charcoal a year, is sup- posed to be amply sufficient for each lantern, according to its size, and the climate of its location. : 3d. The quantity of soap requisite for cleaning the lantern and lighting apparatus, is to be furnished for each keeper. But in this case, as in that respecting ee or fuel, none is to be allowed for the use of the keeper’s family. Ath. All keepers, and others acting under the directions of the superintendent, are to furnish sub-vouchers for all work done by, and for materials purchased of, other per- sons, in. accordance with such directions. I have the honor to be, respectfully, your obedient servant, ‘ EIT Savadealctigeoanaerrtedinamiend ee . , em TET, er A IEP EARS NPM YS I lh iA mee cS pepe pe ae haifa a Nag y a “ yolk Attn ¥ To the Superintendent of Light-houses ee in the District of Ap hhe 74 ee “ag / il Cee din ncendaiaadbacllihatnesatlvatasttia/ kien ula Taube iekanenecrea eat eaten eet teeta aoa ceedetadlaebaoaithesitia? oaecoant Aehettasadeetecadtih COPS) SEL ette io CUD SOT a ee (UTE OREN Yeo erent) IAA Cr eee RAE eee eee